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To inquire about booking an event in your community or about commissioning a song, send an email.

Events are booked a minimum of six months in advance. Song commissions are contracted a minimum of nine months in advance.



Commissions are unique and powerful gifts to communities celebrating major milestones or simply to communities in need of a song for a particular ritual moment or occasion. 


The commissioning process is a very intentional one which takes many months to complete. Tony's commissions have included songs celebrating the anniversaries of major universities, a piece celebrating the anniversary of the foundation of a religious order, and a Psalm for a Papal Mass. Throughout the process, Tony works closely with the person or community commissioning the piece to craft something that is meaningful for the community and/or occasion.


If you are interested in commissioning a piece, contact Tony directly with inquiries. Cost and timeline vary depending on the scope of the project and the amount of arrangement necessary. Due to the time and energy invested in this process, Tony typically takes on a maximum of two commissions per year. 



Tony's approach to workshops and talks unites his musical gifts, his rich theological knowledge, and his pastoral sensitivity to the realities of the contemporary church. Recent talks have centered on the Eucharist as the source of Christian discipleship; the spirituality of the liturgical minister; the Psalms as the prayerbook of liturgical musicians, and more. Topics are determined collaboratively between Tony and the host. 


If you are interested in booking Tony for a talk or workshop, contact Tony directly with inquiries.


Concert + Workshop Weekend

Tony's most popular offering is the concert + workshop weekend. It includes an inspiring evening concert featuring many of Tony's most beloved songs and a morning workshop tailored to the needs of the community.


If you are interested in booking Tony for a concert + workshop weekend, contact Tony directly with inquiries.

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Tony Alonso is a Latin Grammy nominated composer of sacred music and a scholar whose work responds to the diverse realities of contemporary culture. 


A Cuban-American Roman Catholic, Tony's compositions embrace multicultural musical expressions and reflect a commitment to strong ritual song. His music appears in compilations and hymnals across Christian denominations throughout the world. His "Mass of Joy and Peace" is one of the most widely sung Mass settings in the English-speaking world. In 2015, Tony's compositional work was recognized with an invitation to compose the responsorial psalm for the first Mass Pope Francis celebrated in the United States. In 2020, he was nominated for a Latin Grammy for his groundbreaking album "Caminemos con Jesús" (GIA Publications, 2020). 


Tony's scholarly work lies at the intersection of liturgical theology and cultural studies. He has authored articles in journals such as Modern Theology, Worship, and Liturgy. In 2019, he was awarded the Catherine Mowry LaCugna Award for new scholars for the best academic essay in the field of theology within the Roman Catholic tradition by the Catholic Theological Society of America. His book Commodified Communion: Eucharist, Consumer Culture, and the Practice of Everyday Life (Fordham University Press, 2021) was awarded the 2021 Hispanic Theological Initiative Book Prize, an award that recognizes the best book written by a junior Latinx scholar on theology or religion each year.


Tony holds a Bachelor of Music in choral conducting from Northwestern University, a Master of Arts in theology from Loyola Marymount University, and a PhD in religion from Emory University. He is currently Aquinas Associate Professor of Theology and Culture at Candler School of Theology at Emory University where he also serves as the inaugural Director of Catholic Studies. 

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